Shaun Pearce - Realtor

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The Stretch Between Deal and Closing

So, you've found your dream home, made an offer, and it's been accepted. Congratulations! Now comes the stretch between the deal and closing, which can feel like an eternity.

What should you do during this crucial period? As your Realtor, I’m here to guide you.

Step One - Stay Connected

Stay in touch with me; I have my finger on the pulse of the entire process. From inspectors to lawyers, I’ll keep you informed and in the know every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns, I’m your first call. You don't have to navigate this alone.

Step Two - Get Ready to Move

As the closing date approaches, it's time to start packing up your belongings and getting ready to move. 

Here are a few tips to help you get ready.

  • Start packing early. This will give you plenty of time to get everything done and avoid feeling stressed out.

  • Label your boxes clearly. This will make it easier to unpack later on.

  • Hire movers if you need to. This can be a big help, especially if you have a lot of belongings.

Step Three - Final Walkthrough

This is a “must-do” for all of my clients. During the final walk-through, we’ll make sure the home is in the condition that was promised and ensure that items or fixtures from the home that are included in the sale are still there.

The final walkthrough is not about finding faults or derailing the deal. It's about peace of mind. On a more positive note, it’s also an opportunity to get excited about your big move.

Step Four - Close on Your Home

The final step in the home buying process. During closing, you’ll sign all of the paperwork and officially become the owner of your new home. Closing typically takes place at a lawyer’s office but I’m on call, as needed.

In closing, the stretch between a firm deal and closing can feel overwhelming but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone.